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ERAs of Raymond Mays and Arthur Dobson racing at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
ERAs of Raymond Mays and Arthur Dobson racing at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
ERA of Arthur Dobson racing at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Riley of AD Whitworth and ERA of Arthur Dobson racing at Crystal Palace, London, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Raymond Mays' ERA leading an MG and another ERA, Imperial Trophy, Crystal Palace, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Riley of PW Maclure and ERAs of Raymond Mays and AC Dobson, Imperial Trophy, Crystal Palace, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.
ERAs of Raymond Mays and AC Dobson, Imperial Trophy, Crystal Palace, 1939. Artist: Bill Brunell.